Why do I wear what I wear? And why do I wish I wore what I wish I wore?
I knew I didn’t have a larger self-made wardrobe, but I hadn’t fully faced how absolutely-teeny-tiny it is until yesterday. My roommate just laughed at that photo. So I spent today starting to formulate a plan, and knitting.
But it also prompted me to think some more about why I’m doing this project and what I want to explore with it.
There are so many directions this could take, but I want to focus on how I interact with my clothes, and how I feel in my clothes.
I want to focus on the place where “the self” and “the wardrobe” meet. How they influence, and interact with, one another.
I want to embrace the versatility of clothing. How a garment can mean one thing one day, and another thing the next.
I want to try to understand my relationship with my wardrobe a little better. Why do I wear what I wear? And why do I wish I wore what I wish I wore?
Indeed, why do I wear what I wear?